
Showing posts from January, 2018

One Month Progress Results from Weight Training

Only very small changes for me in my first month. This is without any dietary change. 2.2lbs weight loss (a large bag of sugar) 1.3% fat loss 0.6 muscle gain 0.5 inch off bust 1 inch off waist 2.5 inches off hips Cannot see any difference in the way I look or the way my clothes feel. However, I know I am getting stronger as I have progressed in weight on the kettle bells and I feel a bit tighter. Pleased with the inch loss from waist and hips though. Looks like this is going to be a slow journey for me. I am secretly hoping that I will see a noticeable difference by the Summer. I might even put up a Before and After photo if there is a noticeable change. I am overweight by 2 stone. Because my weight loss is so slow, my 6 month goal in this respect doesn't seem to be achievable. I was hoping to lose 24lbs, that would have been 4lb's a month which should have been doable. Admittedly I am not dieting, but I haven't been over the top either. I will try and push my

Switched Up My Training

Fell off track again and have had 3 clear days of "No exercise" and I actually feel bad about it. Something is definitely changing in me. I put it down to the kettle bell. I actually love this way of exercising. I like that I can go at my own pace, change it up and that it is quick. I also like swinging around some heavy metal. Well at least it is heavy for me 😍 and I feel good doing it. Today, I did 15 Russian Swings with a 14 kg Kettle bell. That's 30.86 lbs!!!! Today's workout: 15 x1 set of Russian Swings, 6kg 15 x 1 set American Swings, 6kg 15 x 5 sets Russian Swings, 10 kg 15 x 1 sets Russian Swings, 14 kg! 15 x 1 set Russian Swings, 10 kg 15 x 1 set complete workout 8kg (Deadlift, Goblet, Russian, Around the World, American) Total Swings today: 180 Total Workout Time: 20 minutes It will be one month tomorrow, will check my measurements and weight. Hoping there is some difference. Image Credits: Pixabay : GDJ

10 kg Kettle Bell

I did it. Really pushed myself today and did a complete workout with the 10kg Kettle Bell. That's 22 lbs of weight. Gosh, that was tough. I am out of breath and my heart is pumping. What a good workout with a decent weight. Kettle Bell Deadlift Goblet Russian Swing Around the World American Swing 15 reps, 3 sets, 15 minutes with breathers. Wait! 90 swings, better do that last 10 ..... Done it (yes, seriously), 100 swings! 😊 23 days in. I have gone from 6kg to 10kg. Definitely a result there. I feel stronger and I have never done this much exercise before. Glad I have finally found an exercise that I enjoy. I know that I will have to use heavy dumbbells if I want decent muscle definition, but I have plenty of time and really want to burn some calories off. I swear my bum is getting bigger. I think it has lifted up a bit too. I don't want it bigger, it's big enough as it is. I am already pear shaped! 😟 I think it might be time to take some pictures so that I

Goal Setting - 200 Kettle Bell Swings

I did a good cardio workout today and just did kettle bell swings. My aim was for 200 Kettle Bell Swings but I did 225 in about 15 minutes with breathers in-between sets. Today's workout: 50 reps 6 kg 50 reps 6 kg 15 reps x 5, (75 swings) 8kg 25 reps 8kg 25 reps 6kg I'm mainly swinging from waist level to eye level, but my last set of 25 reps I did the American Swing. Really pleased with the progress I am making in strength, but not so much on the inch/fat loss side. This is the start of Week 4. Let's hope I see some good results at the end of the week. My jeans are still tight!😞 Image Credits: Pixabay : webandi

Fell Off Track

.... But not too much. I am trying to exercise every day, but my workouts have been a bit up and down this week. Worked out Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Today (Sunday). This is mainly because my mum is in hospital and I am shattered. So 4 days this week. Not so bad really, but haven't been eating so good this week. I did 100 swings on Thursday, nothing else and I think it was with the 10kg kettle bell but forgot to write it down. Did it mainly in sets of 15, then a 12 and then a 13. Today I have done my normal kettle bell workout but started with the 10kg kettle bell. 2 sets 15 reps 10kg 1 set 15 reps 8kg Thought I might have lost some strength. But all seems to be the same. Struggling on 3rd set with 10kg but it will come so used 8kg instead. It's certainly better than missing a complete set because the 10kg is too heavy. I will gradually build up to this. Seems to be the American Kettle Bell Swing I struggle with at this weight. Also, I think I might have felt

Simply Kettle Bell Swings

Today I did a 15 minute workout with just Kettle Bell Russian Swings. 😄 Did I mention that I do these first thing in the morning in my nightie and slippers? 😆 No need for fancy gym wear at home. 120 Swings with the football sized 8kg kettle bell from Morrisons and ... 60 Swings with the 10kg kettle bell I did these in sets of 20 with a breather in between sets. 180 swings, nothing else today. According to the scales I have lost 4lbs since starting with weight training 2½ weeks ago.  Fat is going down, muscle is going up. It's fractional but still, pleased with that! Image Credit: Pixabay : geralt

Rest Days and a New Week 3

I think I may have overdid it a bit when moving my weights up and the 10kg kettle bell. As a result my hip was playing up a bit. I didn't push it, I had Friday off. Homely events caused me not to do any over the weekend either. Today I was back to it (having had 3 days off). Workout this morning 15 mins: 6kg kettle bell, 15 reps x 1 set 8kg kettle bell, 15 reps x 1 set 10 kg kettle bell, 15 reps x 1 set plus 10 reps of 10kg kettle bell Total swings: 100 This is week 3. The 6kg kettle bell is quite light now. I am using it as a warm up set. The 8kg kettle bell was an impulse buy from Morrisons. It cost £7! there is also a reason for this. The handle is quite large, it is made from moulded plastic, it is the size of a small football and I think it is probably filled with sand. This doesn't really matter though and I found the "Around the World" exercise a bit easier to handle. The 10kg kettle bell wasn't too bad when I first started the set, but toward

130 Kettle Bell Swings!

Despite not being terribly motivated this morning (I woke up at 3.30 am) and talked myself into doing my Kettle Bell workout ... 3 hours later. I started with 6kg and did 1 set of 15 reps: Deadlifts, Goblet, Russian Swing, Around the World and American Swing (total 30 swings). I then switched to the 10kg kettle bell and did 2 sets of 15. Really struggled with the last lot of American Swings but I did it. (total swings 60) To finish off I did an extra 40 swings with the 6kg kettle bell and then I called it a day. The total workout took about 30 mins with breathers. Total Swings Today 130 (70 with 6kg and 60 with 10kg) Definitely getting stronger, but cannot see any difference in my shape yet. This is the 11th day. 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 I really love the 6kg kettle bell it is so cute and I am becoming quite attached to it. I find the 10kg quite big and difficult to handle when I do the "Goblet&qu

Wednesday, Weight Training

Today my routine was knocked out and instead of doing kettle bells as planned in my morning slot, I ended up doing weight training in the afternoon. I upped the weight from my little 3kg dumbbells to 4kg. After 8 bicep curls I thought I'd made a mistake as I really struggled. However, I told myself to stop being a big girl, carried on and eventually managed to do 12 reps and 3 sets of each exercise: 12 x 3 Bicep Curls 12 x 3 Dumbbell Bench Press (but I lie on the floor) 12 x 3 Hammer Curl 12 x 3 Shoulder Shrug 12 x 3 Calf Raise 50 Sit Ups on Abs Machine with bands 60 Leg Raises on Abs Machine 1 Long Stretch on Abs Machine I was convinced that the dumbbells were more than 4kg so I weighed them on the scales and they came out at 5.08kg so basically the bar is just over a kg. I can do this! Image Credit: Pixabay : AGuen

Tuesday, Moving Up the Weight

My calves ache today. That's a good thing I think. Today I started off using a 6kg kettle bell and did 15 reps. I must be getting a bit stronger as I found this relatively easy. For the second set I used the 10kg kettle bell. Wasn't sure if I could actually do the American Swing with it, but all okay. The 10kg kettle bell was pushing it a little so I went back to the 6kg for the third set. Tomorrow I'm hoping to do 1 rep with the 6kg and 2 reps with the 10kg kettle bell. My Kettle Bell Workout Today 15/20mins: 15reps 6kg, 15 reps 10kg, 15 reps 6kg, total 3 sets Deadlifts Goblet Squat Russian Swing Around the World American Swing After my workout I have been eating a Fried Egg Sandwich with Butter. Protein and Carbs, Yes? and a small glass of milk. I can just see some people shaking their heads, but I am not ready yet for the proper diet thing. I am being more conscious of what I eat. Yesterday I enjoyed a nice slice of Victoria Sponge Cake. 🙈 A little bit of

Week 2 Fat Loss Journey

Fat Loss Not Weight Loss Notice I have changed my wording. This is to keep me motivated (which today I am not). I have put on 1lb, I think this was probably my Sunday dinner yesterday. But I am hopeful that muscle weighs more than fat and this 1lb is muscle. Who am I kidding? 😂 I am really not motivated today. I feel so tired. I did not sleep well. So, before my workout I looked for some inspirational images to get me going. My workout today was weight training and trying out my abs machine (more on that later). I have only targeted body areas that I don't think are covered fully in my Kettle Bell Workout or where I would like more improvement. This is personal to me and also depends on my own physical ability. My Beginners Weight Training Program 15 reps, 3 sets, 30 minutes with little stops in-between. Bicep Curl Dumbbell Bench Press Dumbbell Hammer Curl Shoulder Shrug Calf Raise Sit Ups on Abs Machine Leg Raises on Abs Machine Full Stretch on Abs Machine O

HA! More Equipment - Week 1

Planning and Week One I haven't changed one bit. I have decided to do this at home. No gym fees and cheaper. I already have some dumbbells that my partner bought me (well over 10 years ago and never used). They are 3lb each in weight. After researching on the internet I found an overall exercise plan that covered all the major muscle groups. A total workout plan. Actually, I did this exercise on the floor. I also ordered an Abs Warrior machine using my Christmas vouchers. My decision was to tone up my core area without having to lie down on the floor. I find this really uncomfortable, can't really do them and it strains my neck. I am hoping the Abs Warrior machine will support my back and give me some resistance to get me back up again. I also bought it to do leg curls and also there seems to be a nice stretch that it does. Anything else, I'm not really interested in. (Cost £30 sale) I did a couple of days using the total workout plan with my dumbbells and foun

Long Winded Introduction

New Year and New Me Seriously? I'm not uploading a picture of me yet. So basically, this is a blog about body transformation. I'm hoping it will keep me inspired to carry on and also, I couldn't find what I needed on the internet for an average person like me. I am not a fitness fanatic. I have tried loads of forms of aerobic type exercises and have stuck to none of them. I have joined classes and dropped out. I have bought loads of home gym machines (and sold them again). I have bought fat loss tablets and patches. I have even bought an electrical device that freezes fat that is also sitting in a box under my bed. The list goes on. I am pre-menopausal, have dodgy knees, a dodgy ankle, a dodgy shoulder, a dodgy hip, low blood pressure and IBS, BUT, I have a little determination and will try to find an easy way to shed pounds that doesn't cost the earth, take loads of time and stops me from enjoying the foods I like. Really? Does this even exist? I really hope so