Long Winded Introduction

New Year and New Me

Seriously? I'm not uploading a picture of me yet.
So basically, this is a blog about body transformation. I'm hoping it will keep me inspired to carry on and also, I couldn't find what I needed on the internet for an average person like me. I am not a fitness fanatic. I have tried loads of forms of aerobic type exercises and have stuck to none of them. I have joined classes and dropped out. I have bought loads of home gym machines (and sold them again). I have bought fat loss tablets and patches. I have even bought an electrical device that freezes fat that is also sitting in a box under my bed. The list goes on. I am pre-menopausal, have dodgy knees, a dodgy ankle, a dodgy shoulder, a dodgy hip, low blood pressure and IBS, BUT, I have a little determination and will try to find an easy way to shed pounds that doesn't cost the earth, take loads of time and stops me from enjoying the foods I like. Really? Does this even exist? I really hope so because I am truly, the lazy exerciser.

I have the moulded plastic ones.
This year I have made a new year's resolution to change the way I look through weight training. I am not massively obese, I am a UK size 14 but this is the biggest and heaviest I have ever been (157lbs). I have never been that happy with my body even when I was 7stone 3lbs, I was 22 years old then. I think today's term for this is "skinny fat".  Although I never thought of myself as skinny. My ass has always been big. My happiest weight was 8stone 7lbs when I did a couple of years of exercise in the form of martial arts. I think I was in my 30's. So the weight has steadily creeped on during my mature years. I have dieted and found that the Atkins diet worked the best for me and especially my IBS. I lost a stone but got sick of meat, kept breaking my diet and I am now back to where I started. However, I know this diet works well for me if all else fails😏.

Did I mention I do Archery? Is it a form of exercise? Yes. It's certainly not aerobic, but has many health benefits. I think my upper back is more toned, I walk more steps (collecting arrows from the target) it's enjoyable and I have kept it up for a few years. Have I lost weight doing it? No, but I do love it when I am shooting well.

Another form of exercise that I enjoyed was belly dancing. So many health benefits with this also and I toned up my legs, but again, did I lose weight from it? No, however, I did make some lovely friends. I have actually dropped this in favour of weight training for my health and my bones. That was a really hard decision but made easier because I know my ankle was giving out.

So, I've realised that I actually like learning whilst exercising in the form of karate, archery and belly dancing and I don't mind being heavier if I have a nice shape. I don't just want to be slim though (and definitely not skinny) I want some muscle too. HA, in my dreams. Am I going to get this from weight training? I guess so, but will it actually work for me? I really need quick results to keep me going. So here's to the start of my journey.

Image Credits: Pixabay : Ninja, OpenClipArt-Vectors/Weights, ariesa66


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