Tuesday, Moving Up the Weight

My calves ache today. That's a good thing I think. Today I started off using a 6kg kettle bell and did 15 reps. I must be getting a bit stronger as I found this relatively easy. For the second set I used the 10kg kettle bell. Wasn't sure if I could actually do the American Swing with it, but all okay. The 10kg kettle bell was pushing it a little so I went back to the 6kg for the third set. Tomorrow I'm hoping to do 1 rep with the 6kg and 2 reps with the 10kg kettle bell.

My Kettle Bell Workout Today 15/20mins:

15reps 6kg, 15 reps 10kg, 15 reps 6kg, total 3 sets

Goblet Squat
Russian Swing
Around the World
American Swing

After my workout I have been eating a Fried Egg Sandwich with Butter. Protein and Carbs, Yes? and a small glass of milk. I can just see some people shaking their heads, but I am not ready yet for the proper diet thing. I am being more conscious of what I eat. Yesterday I enjoyed a nice slice of Victoria Sponge Cake. 🙈

A little bit of Inspiration and Motivation:

Adding up my Swings: Russian Swings 15x3, American Swings 15 x 3. Total Swings 90.
6kg kettle bell = 13.2 lbs
10kg kettle bell = 22 lbs
I am getting stronger which must mean I am building muscle. More muscle means more calories burned.

Weight Training Diary

I've been logging my workouts in a cheap A5 diary from the Pound Shop. I am logging my starting weight, my weekly measurements and my training workouts per day. This is so that I can see my progress and how many reps I am doing. When I started I was doing 12 reps, now I am doing 15, but tomorrow I will see how many reps I can do with the 10kg kettle bell. I will probably go back to 12 for the 2 sets.

My new dumbbells and weights have come 😊 but I'm not sure if I will be able to hold both of them at the same time, they look huge.

Image Credit: Pixabay, Great Tit,ArtsyBee/3dman, 3dman_eu


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