Wednesday, Weight Training

Today my routine was knocked out and instead of doing kettle bells as planned in my morning slot, I ended up doing weight training in the afternoon.

I upped the weight from my little 3kg dumbbells to 4kg. After 8 bicep curls I thought I'd made a mistake as I really struggled. However, I told myself to stop being a big girl, carried on and eventually managed to do 12 reps and 3 sets of each exercise:

12 x 3 Bicep Curls
12 x 3 Dumbbell Bench Press (but I lie on the floor)
12 x 3 Hammer Curl
12 x 3 Shoulder Shrug
12 x 3 Calf Raise
50 Sit Ups on Abs Machine with bands
60 Leg Raises on Abs Machine
1 Long Stretch on Abs Machine

I was convinced that the dumbbells were more than 4kg so I weighed them on the scales and they came out at 5.08kg so basically the bar is just over a kg.

I can do this!

Image Credit: Pixabay : AGuen


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