Goal Setting - 200 Kettle Bell Swings

I did a good cardio workout today and just did kettle bell swings. My aim was for 200 Kettle Bell Swings but I did 225 in about 15 minutes with breathers in-between sets.

Today's workout:
50 reps 6 kg
50 reps 6 kg
15 reps x 5, (75 swings) 8kg
25 reps 8kg
25 reps 6kg

I'm mainly swinging from waist level to eye level, but my last set of 25 reps I did the American Swing.

Really pleased with the progress I am making in strength, but not so much on the inch/fat loss side. This is the start of Week 4. Let's hope I see some good results at the end of the week.

My jeans are still tight!😞

Image Credits: Pixabay : webandi


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