Rest Days and a New Week 3

I think I may have overdid it a bit when moving my weights up and the 10kg kettle bell. As a result my hip was playing up a bit. I didn't push it, I had Friday off. Homely events caused me not to do any over the weekend either. Today I was back to it (having had 3 days off).

Workout this morning 15 mins:

6kg kettle bell, 15 reps x 1 set
8kg kettle bell, 15 reps x 1 set
10 kg kettle bell, 15 reps x 1 set
plus 10 reps of 10kg kettle bell

Total swings: 100

This is week 3. The 6kg kettle bell is quite light now. I am using it as a warm up set. The 8kg kettle bell was an impulse buy from Morrisons. It cost £7! there is also a reason for this. The handle is quite large, it is made from moulded plastic, it is the size of a small football and I think it is probably filled with sand. This doesn't really matter though and I found the "Around the World" exercise a bit easier to handle. The 10kg kettle bell wasn't too bad when I first started the set, but towards the end it was getting harder. I think this is probably the ideal weight but perhaps with fewer reps so that I can get 3 sets from it. I will try this out at my next workout. I added the extra 10 reps to make my swings up to 100.

Feeling happy that I am back to it again. I didn't want to undo all the work of the past two weeks. Also, because of the 'homely events' over the weekend I didn't get time to eat as much. This resulted in a 1lb loss on the scale, a slight drop in fat and a slight increase in muscle.

I'm two week's in and already a bit stronger and 3lbs lighter. This beginner workout hasn't been too difficult and has given me some good results, so I am sticking with it for the moment.
Image Credit: Pixabay : dapple1


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