130 Kettle Bell Swings!

Despite not being terribly motivated this morning (I woke up at 3.30 am) and talked myself into doing my Kettle Bell workout ... 3 hours later.

I started with 6kg and did 1 set of 15 reps: Deadlifts, Goblet, Russian Swing, Around the World and American Swing (total 30 swings).

I then switched to the 10kg kettle bell and did 2 sets of 15. Really struggled with the last lot of American Swings but I did it. (total swings 60)

To finish off I did an extra 40 swings with the 6kg kettle bell and then I called it a day. The total workout took about 30 mins with breathers.

Total Swings Today 130 (70 with 6kg and 60 with 10kg)

Definitely getting stronger, but cannot see any difference in my shape yet. This is the 11th day.


I really love the 6kg kettle bell it is so cute and I am becoming quite attached to it. I find the 10kg quite big and difficult to handle when I do the "Goblet". I only have small hands and I'm not very good at doing the "Around the World" exercise either. Nearly broke my goddamn little finger at the back pass. Broke my nail the other day!


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