HA! More Equipment - Week 1

Planning and Week One

I haven't changed one bit. I have decided to do this at home. No gym fees and cheaper. I already have some dumbbells that my partner bought me (well over 10 years ago and never used). They are 3lb each in weight.

After researching on the internet I found an overall exercise plan that covered all the major muscle groups. A total workout plan.

Actually, I did this exercise on the floor.
I also ordered an Abs Warrior machine using my Christmas vouchers. My decision was to tone up my core area without having to lie down on the floor. I find this really uncomfortable, can't really do them and it strains my neck. I am hoping the Abs Warrior machine will support my back and give me some resistance to get me back up again. I also bought it to do leg curls and also there seems to be a nice stretch that it does. Anything else, I'm not really interested in. (Cost £30 sale)

I did a couple of days using the total workout plan with my dumbbells and found that for my biceps and legs I could really go up higher on the weight. So I have ordered some heavier weights for these areas. For the smaller muscles like triceps, I was struggling, so will carry on with the 3lb each dumbbells. I also struggled with a couple of the exercises that were making my shoulder bones grind and click. I have dropped those right away as I have a dodgy shoulder anyway. Result: my muscles definitely had a workout and I ached all over for 4 days. I could really feel it in my muscles. I did 12 reps (12 of each exercise) for 3 sets (3 times). This took about 10 minutes. This is definitely something that saves a lot of time, so I am really happy about that, especially since I have read you don't need to do this every day. Two to three times a week and you are done. My partner who used to weight train told me that he exercised every day, I am going to train 6 days a week with Sundays off.

I have a very unexciting grey 8kg kettle bell.
Okay, fast forward a bit. During my research on the internet I came across the kettle bell swing and a really good video on You Tube which I'll post a link to lower down. I have read that the kettle bell swing combines strength and cardio and can burn 1,212 calories in an hour! I had to buy a kettle bell! I really wanted an 8kg kettle bell (a recommended starting weight for a woman) but the shop only had a 6kg, so I bought that instead (£15 sale). I'm actually glad I did because it is a really good starting weight for me and I can learn the proper form without struggling. I wasn't going to go all out with 1 hours training, but settled on 10 minutes to start using the exercises from the video. I changed it up though and did 15 reps and 3 sets. 10 minutes is supposed to burn about 200 calories. That is a really good amount to build on. When I got puffed out, I stopped, had a drink of water and then carried on.

My Beginners Kettle Bell Workout - 15 reps, 3 sets, 10-15 mins

Goblet Squat
Russian Swing
Around the World
American Swing

I absolutely love the kettle bell swing! It targets almost all the muscles in your body in one go. It feels liberating and free and you can really feel it work. I haven't felt that way about an exercise in a long time! Probably never! I never knew that swinging a lump of iron could be so exciting.

This isn't the kettle bell swing.
My partner has had a go at this workout and is really impressed. He is now doing it too. Although, he really needs a heavier bell so have ordered him a 10kg one to start (even though the recommended weight for men is 12-18kg) it also means that I can use the 10kg one next and he can move up to a heavier weight too (cost £21). For women it is 8-12 kg.

Decided to have a change up at the end of the week and just use the kettle bell swing at my own pace.

1 minute, 50 swings, sip of water
1 minute, 37 swings, sip of water
1 minute, 40 swings, sip of water
Full kettle bell workout including 12 russian, 12 american

Phew! Total time 15 minutes including catching my breath 151 swings. No way can I do an hour yet. Not even half an hour. Good grief!

So this week I started off with dumbbell workouts for 3 days and kettle bell workouts for 3 days. I have lost 1 lb with no diet and can already feel my body changing. I have lost 1" off my waist and 2" off my hips. No change on bust, upper arm or thigh. That is an amazing result for me. I hope I haven't measured wrong.

Did I mention that with weight training, the calories continue to burn throughout the day even when you have finished exercising. That is just crazy. It works apparently because muscles need more calories to function. But, I don't think it's a great amount. All adds up though :)

You Tube Workout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uepe2BmqlYo
Interesting Article http://www.sheknows.com/health-and-wellness/articles/1032829/this-exercise-will-help-you-burn-1212-calories-in-one-hour
Inspirational Thread http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10379416/how-many-calories-burned-doing-650-kettlebell-swings

Image Credits: Pixabay : 3D men, 3dman-eu/kettlebells, dubajjo


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