Week 2 Fat Loss Journey

Fat Loss Not Weight Loss

Notice I have changed my wording. This is to keep me motivated (which today I am not). I have put on 1lb, I think this was probably my Sunday dinner yesterday. But I am hopeful that muscle weighs more than fat and this 1lb is muscle. Who am I kidding? ๐Ÿ˜‚

I am really not motivated today. I feel so tired. I did not sleep well. So, before my workout I looked for some inspirational images to get me going.

My workout today was weight training and trying out my abs machine (more on that later). I have only targeted body areas that I don't think are covered fully in my Kettle Bell Workout or where I would like more improvement. This is personal to me and also depends on my own physical ability.

My Beginners Weight Training Program

15 reps, 3 sets, 30 minutes with little stops in-between.

Bicep Curl
Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Hammer Curl
Shoulder Shrug
Calf Raise
Sit Ups on Abs Machine
Leg Raises on Abs Machine
Full Stretch on Abs Machine

Ok, so I definitely need my heavier dumbbell weights to come. Although I can feel the weight and feel it working, I am not puffed out. I wouldn't say it's easy but just not enough. I'm aiming for the first set to be okay, the second set to be slightly harder (but able to complete), and the third set to really push me so that I can't actually finish it.

Abs Warrior Machine

I'm not going to write a review on the Abs Warrior Machine but I found the sit ups a little easy and I couldn't seem to go all the way back to a horizontal position. I will try again later as I might need to adjust the tensions. Instead, I used the bands and used it like a rowing machine. This worked quite well and I could feel it on my core, although I had to do quite a lot (and I am not fit at all). The back rollers were a bit odd, a bit like a rough massage (not that I've ever had one).

Leg Curls were better but still not 100%. The machine locked out before my legs were horizontal. I could feel it though and at the end of the third rep it felt good. Again, I'll have a look at the tension.

Full Stretch was amazing. Most of the images show the feet hooked under the rollers, but I unhooked mine so that I could go all the way back. This is nothing like lying out on the floor or bed, it really did give me a good stretch. I could have stayed there for ages. Pure Bliss.

So that's it for today. I've done my first workout of the week and can already feel my calf muscles aching๐Ÿ˜‡

Update: I had forgotten to take out the pin on the abs machine so the Leg Curls were much better the next time I used it. Perfect. Sit Ups is on maximum resistance so I will just have to increase the amount I do.

Image Credit: Pixabay : Maklay62


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