New Month, New Goal

My exercise regime trailed off due to my lower back problem, so today I decided to start up again with a lower weight but higher reps. I will probably increase the weight but it is quite a big jump to the 10kg kettle bell which is the next manageable size I have. Haven given up on the cheap 8kg kettle bell from Morrisons, the handle is just so large I end up squatting. No doubt I will find a use for it when I start learning other exercises later on down the line. But for now, I am happy just swinging.

50 kettle bell swings x 2 reps with 6kg kettle bell

So, my new goal is 100 swings a day for as long as I can keep it up. I think this is much more realistic as a beginner .... and I am going to drink my Huel for breakfast. It is not a diet shake more a healthy meal replacement drink and tastes a bit like weetabix/porridge/biscuits? I might even replace my lunch with it too. It is an easy way for me to take stock of my calories. 2 scoops is 304 cals x 2 meals = 608 and then I will have a normal meal in the evening. Here's to trying my new regime ... again.


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