Injured Lower Back from Kettlebell Swings

So yesterday I started back up with the full kettle bell workout I've been using:
12 reps Kettlebell Deadlift
12 reps Goblet
12 reps Russian Swings
12 reps Around the World
12 reps American Swings

X1 set with 8kg kettle bell and X2 sets with 10kg kettle bell. This morning I tried to turn over in bed and had terrible pain in my left lower back. Trying to get out of bed was even more interesting. If it wasn't for the pain, it would have been quite comical. Searching on the internet, it seems likely to be my form and I think I have pinpointed it to swinging too low. Over the course of my research I have found that I should aim the kettle bell on the down move towards my 'zipper' and also (just in case) on the up, stop at 1 'o'clock just in case I am overextending.

Today, I will try to complete my workout using my 6kg kettle bell until I get my form right. The 8kg kettle bell that I used yesterday is far too big for kettle bell swings. The handle is quite wide so I have to widen my legs more or lower the bell more to get the hinge, resulting in a squat. I think this has caused my pain.

I also found an interesting article on how to get my back on the mend again. I'm including this link in case any of you need this help too.
I've chosen to do the Bird Dog exercise and the Kneeling Hip Flexor to try and fix my back. Hopefully this will sort me back out again.

Some people would have given up with the swing at this point, but as I have said before it is the only exercise that I really, really love. It makes me feel amazing - but not so much today 😆

Image Credit: Pixabay: GleissArt


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