Kettle Bell Swings

The countdown begins!

I need a goal and have found one that I think is achievable for me. It's February 3rd so a short month. I will have to go over to make up 30 days, but that is no problem. I will be alternating between a 6kg kettle bell (13lb) and a 10kg kettle bell (22lbs) that I have just started with. This is a good weight for me to really push myself. I am still a beginner but hope that I am doing the kettle bell swing correctly.

My first workout took 25 minutes with breathers. I chose to do them all in one go, but these can be spread throughout the day any way you choose. I used the 10kg kettle bell.

15 reps x 6 sets
10 reps x 1 set
20 reps x 5 sets
15 reps x 6 sets
10 reps x 1 set

300 Kettle Bell Russian Swings! Day 1. Let's see if I notice any difference in my weight and shape after 30 days.

Is anyone with me?
Image Credit: Pixabay : kellepics

Day Two

Really didn't want to do this today and I am beginning to think this may be too much for a beginner. But.... I plodded on. 10kg Kettle Bell used.

20 reps x 15 sets = 300 swings! 30 minutes.

My heart is thumping, my face is burning and I am actually sweating today. This is a very strange phenomenon for me. I was slower today than yesterday but I am trying to be more conscious of my form as I have a niggle in my lower back. So many conflicting videos on YouTube. Trying not to squat, but also trying to stick my bum out which results in a squat. The level of the swing in the air varies on my hip hinge, most of the time it is eye level, trying to bring this down as I notice my back is curving? Although I do have a natural dip in my back around the waistline. I DID IT. 😊

Day Three

Really feeling the muscle ache in my shoulders today, so I switched over to the 6kg kettle bell. Feel like I am cheating but I don't think I have the energy to complete the swings with the 10kg bell safely. Yes, I definitely feel like a cheat, so will try and justify it: Pushed myself with the number of reps and my technique; achieved a good time; achieved 300 swings; did more reps and less sets; sweated a little; felt pushed with the number of reps; watched my form; concentrated on breathing. This is a good thing in my books.

Good timing, 20 minutes for 300 swings.

50 reps x 6 sets.

I would never have been able to do this a month ago! Found this handy calculator to calculate calories burned. 400 calories in 20 minutes. Not sure if it's accurate but going on the 1200 cals per hour thing, it seems to be. I really hope so because that is great! I might even have a low carb breakfast ⭐💗
Handy Calculator

Day Four

Oh Dear, 6 days off. Have felt really rough and have had a cold. No energy to do very much at all. Today, 200 swings. This is much more achievable for me while I am still not very well. Think I have sorted the lower back problem - sticking my bum out on the down movement, back is slightly arched on the thrust, checked a couple of YouTube videos by women trainers and they both have slightly arched backs. Now I have a niggle in my left elbow? Have noticed that with my adjusted position, the kettle bell swings up to head height, quite high really and no real effort so I think I am doing this correctly now 😘 maybe lower the reps and use a heavier bell? I'll try it tomorrow xxx

20 reps x 5 sets 6kg
20 reps x 5 sets 10kg

Day Five

Back to it. Did 200 kettle bell swings with the 10kg kettle bell. The last 40 was the deal breaker for me, that's when I started to get the sweat on. Think I will keep at this weight for a while and then build up again. My body is feeling more toned, but no weight loss on scales and no inch loss with tape measure. I am definitely getting stronger but there doesn't seem to be much change in my shape yet.😞 Still got my cold. Really don't want to diet.

20 reps x 10 sets

Day Six
Image Credit: Pixabay : Mysticsartdesign

Crap, crap, crap. My lower back is hurting. I don't know if it's the swings or the way I am sleeping because the dog is taking up most of the bed and insists on sleeping up against me. My challenge is doomed. Think I am going to knock this on the head until I can build up to swinging this amount or maybe I'll stick with the 6kg and use it more as a cardio workout. Dammit, not sure what to do.

Got on the scales this morning and have shifted a pound. Not that excited about it as this seems to fluctuate. I lose it, then put it on, then lose it again. But as a small re-cap since 1 January 2018 I have lost 1lb in weight, 1" off waist, 2.5" off hips, 0.5" off bust and I am stronger. No change in these figures at all since middle of January. Wish if these figures were more. Can't see any change and my clothes don't fit me better. I actually think I am being patient, these are my results after 6 weeks! Feeling pretty p**d off. 😩


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